Swimming and Ear Infections: Prevent and Manage Them


Are you an avid swimmer or planning to spend some time splashing in the pool this summer? While swimming is a fantastic way to stay fit and enjoy the warm weather, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risk of ear infections due to water exposure. Thus, let us provide concrete information about ear infections and how visiting a medical clinic can help.

Ear infections, also known as otitis externa or “swimmer’s ear,” are commonly caused by water remaining in the ear canal after swimming. The moist environment creates a breeding ground for bacteria, leading to discomfort, pain, and even temporary hearing loss. Healthcare professionals in Massachusetts advise taking a few precautions to minimize the risk of ear infections and promote good ear health.

First and foremost, consider wearing earplugs specifically designed for swimming. These handy accessories create a waterproof seal, preventing water from entering the ear canal. Additionally, after swimming, dry your ears thoroughly using a soft towel or a hairdryer on a low setting. Tilt your head to the side, gently pulling the earlobe to help the water drain out.

If you experience any symptoms of an ear infection, such as itching, redness, or pain, it’s crucial to seek healthcare services in Plainville, MA promptly. A medical clinic or an urgent care clinic can provide the necessary treatment and guidance.

Remember, regular wellness visits to a healthcare professional can help monitor your ear health and address any concerns. Ensure your summer swimming adventures are filled with joy and good health by taking care of your ears.

Contact Nully Medical LLC today if you need assistance or want to learn more about ear infections or other common illnesses during the summer season.

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